
Process Optimization

As technology advances and businesses evolve, the processes that support the enterprise need to adapt as well. Not all processes need to be thrown out and redesigned each time. At Adaptive Edge, we employ the most innovative methodologies to achieve an evergreen approach to optimization.


Defect Tracking & Elimination

This is commonly applied in software development to identify and smooth out bugs or defects prior to release. When applied to business processes, clients can visualize both the volume and the frequency of specific defects impacting critical processes, then quickly react to eliminate each defect from occurring again. This approach creates a behavioral shift in the front-line staff for lasting change management.


Red, Yellow, & Green Work

How much time does your staff spend on data entry, data corrections, or copying data from one system to another? That is Red Work, and businesses waste hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on it. Staff should be able to focus on value-accretive work, the Green Work.


Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)

All too often, blame is incorrectly placed when things go wrong. This not only causes frustration for those involved but can also lead to assuming something that isn’t broken needs to be fixed, wasting time and resources. Adaptive Edge can help to correctly identify and resolve the root cause to a problem or process breakdown.

ThoughtTrace for Enterprise

Content Management

There is an impetus to create the digital future. This means no paper, limited data entry, and automated reporting. Paving the way for the truly digital worker, and seamless collaboration across teams. Everything in a Land department begins and ends with a document. Let the document be the source of truth; stop trying to fit unstructured data into a structured database. As a ThoughtTrace partner, Adaptive Edge works with clients to implement ThoughtTrace as a fully functional document management system.